Saturday, February 9, 2008

GPS and Theory of the Relativity

The satellitari clocks are affections from the consequences of the Theory of the Relativity. In fact, because of the effects arrange you of the relative speed, that the time slows down on the satellite of approximately 7 microsecond ones to the day, and of the smaller curving of the spaziotempo to level of the orbit of the satellite, than it accelerates it of 45 microsecond ones, the time on the satellite slides to a leggermente faster rhythm that to earth, causing an advance payment of approximately 38 microsecond ones to the day, and rendering necessary one automatic correction from part of the edge electronics. This observation supplies an ulterior test of the exactitude of the theory in an application of the real world. The found relativistico effect is in fact exactly correspondent to that calculable one theoretically, at least in the supplied limits of accuracy from the instruments of measure currently available.

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